In Studio Services Menu:

These services are done in studio and are only available Oct-April

**House calls requests inside Skagit Co. Will be Charged 150 Travel fee at time service is provided*

Soft Glam Makeup- 125.00

Lashes and Touch up Kit Included

Full Glam Makeup-150.00

Lashes and Touch up Kit Included

Soft Glam Hair and Makeup-250.00

Lashes, Touch Kit, Dry Styling Only and Curls of Your Choice

Full Glam Hair and Makeup-300.00

Lashes, Touch Kit, Dry Styling Only and Curls of Your Choice


Half up/ W Curls-125.00

High School Dance Hair & Makeup-200

Lashes, Touch Kit, Dry Styling Only and Curls of Your Choice

Senior Pictures Hair & Makeup-200

Lashes, Touch Kit, Dry Styling Only and Curls of Your Choice

Personal Makeup Lesson-150

Lashes and Touch up Kit Included

Gender Neutral Facial Grooming/Makeup-125


Clip Hair Extension Consultation and Ordering-50

Clip In Hair Extensions Installation- 50